Community Organizing Grant Round Kickoff

Community Organizing Grant Round Kickoff

Join us to be inspired by examples of community organizing! We'll also announce the five finalists for our Grant Round.

By SV2 - Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund

Date and time

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 · 4 - 6:30pm PDT


Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund

350 Twin Dolphin Drive Suite103 Redwood City, CA 94065

About this event

In this in person gathering, we'll do a short mindfulness activity, hear from inspiring community activists and leaders, and engage in deeper discussions about community organizing opportunities and impact (in a connective community organizing format). We'll announce the five finalist organizations that will participate in our Grant Round. Yummy food and drinks provided!

We're thrilled to announce our confirmed Speakers so far!

Event Location and Arrival

Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund (SV2) | 350 Twin Dolphin Drive Suite 103, Redwood City, CA 94065. We are in the Sobrato Center for Nonprofits. There is free parking in front of the building. We are on the first floor and the building is ramp accessible. When you enter the building, you'll see our office straight down the hallway, our doors will be open and we'll be ready to greet you!


Community Organizing is a powerful and proven practice for a committed group to advocate for positive change for themselves, their families, and their community. By lifting voices and developing leadership, communities take ownership of their lives and future. In community organizing, unity and collective action advance positive change.

In this context, SV2's Community Organizing Grant Round will allocate $180,000 of unrestricted, three-year funding across two organizations ($90,000 each), to be selected in December 2024. SV2 will also offer the selected organizations beyond-the-dollars support, as helpful, and friendship! Throughout our process, SV2 will practices equity and trust-based philanthropy in our grantmaking and relationship building.

Upcoming Grant Round Meetings

In these meetings, SV2 Partners will learn more about our five finalists and select two Grantee Partners:

  • Meeting #2 | Get to know each other | Thursday, October 24 12-2PM | Zoom | RSVP
  • Meeting #3 | Learning | Thursday, November 21 12-2PM | In Person at SV2 | RSVP
  • Meeting #4 | Grant Decision | Thursday, December 5 12-2PM | Zoom | RSVP

Questions? Contact Amy Badiani, Director of Community Engagement, SV2:

Organized by

SV2, Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund, is a community of more than 200 individuals who have joined together to learn about effective giving and pool our resources to invest in innovative nonprofits and social ventures.MISSIONOur mission is to unleash the resources and talents of the Silicon Valley community to achieve meaningful social impact.

VISIONWe envision a more equitable and sustainable Bay Area and world where everyone thrives.

CORE VALUESThe SV2 community's core values include: impact, experiential learning, shared leadership, innovation, empathy, and collaborative community. These core values anchor our community and how we approach all of our work together. Join us! 

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